






迄今为止,在Advanced Functional Materials,Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B, Journal of Physical Chemistry C等国际权威SCI学术刊物上正式发表学术论文30余篇录。



(*Corresponding author/通讯作者)

[1]  J. Wu#, Y. Hirono#, X. L. Li#, Z. M. Wang*, J. H. Lee, M. Benamara, S. Luo, Y. I. Mazur, E. S. Kim, and G. J. Salamo. Self-Assembly of Multiple Stacked Nanorings by Vertically Correlated Droplet Epitaxy, Advanced Functional Materials DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201302032 (2013). (#These authors contributed equally/同等贡献)

[2]  X. L. Li*, Selective formation mechanisms of quantum dots on patterned substrates, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 5238 (2013).

[3]  X. L. Li*. Theory of controllable shape of quantum structures upon droplet epitaxy, Journal of Crystal Growth 377, 59 (2013).

[4]  X. L. Li*, Size effects of carbon nanotubes and graphene on cellular uptake, EPL 100, 46002 (2012).

[5]  X. L. Li*, The influence of the atomic interactions in out-of-plane on surface energy and its applications in nanostructures, Journal of Applied Physics 112, 013524 (2012).

[6]  X. L. Li*, Size and shape effects on receptor-mediated endocytosis of nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 024702 (2012). 

[7]  X. L. Li* and G. Ouyang, Thermodynamic theory of controlled formation of strained quantum dots on hole-patterned substrates, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 093508 (2011).

[8]  X. L. Li*, G. Ouyang and X. Tan, Thermodynamic stability of quantum dots on strained substrates, Phyisca E 43, 1755 (2011).

[9]  X. L. Li* and D. Xing, A simple method to evaluate the optimal size of nanoparticles for endocytosis based on kinetic diffusion of receptors, Applied Physics Letters 97, 153704 (2010).

[10]X. L. Li*, Y. Y. Cao and G. W. Yang, Thermodynamic theory of two-dimensional to three-dimensional growth transition in quantum dots self-assembly, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12, 4768 (2010).

[11]X. L. Li*, Formation mechanisms of multiple concentric nanoring structures upon droplet epitaxy, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 15343 (2010).

[12]X. L. Li*, Thermodynamic Theory of quantum dot self-assembly on strained substrates, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 2018 (2010).

[13]X. L. Li*, Thermodynamic analysis on the stability and evolution mechanism of self-assembled quantum dots, Applied Surface Science 256, 4023 (2010). 

[14]X. L. Li*, Surface chemical potential in multilayered Stranski-Krastanow systems: An analytic study and anticipated applications, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 113520 (2009).

[15]X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, On the physical understanding of quantum rings self-assembly upon droplet epitaxy, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 103507 (2009).

[16]X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Thermodynamic theory of shape evolution induced by Si capping in Ge quantum dots self-assembly, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 013510 (2009).

[17]X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Strain self-releasing mechanism in heteroepitaxy on nanowire, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 12402 (2009).

[18]X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Theoretical determination of contact angle in quantum dot self-assembly, Applied Physics Letters 92, 171902 (2008).

[19]X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Growth mechanisms of quantum ring self-assembly upon droplet epitaxy, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 7693 (2008).

[20]X. L. Li, G. Ouyang and G. W. Yang, A thermodynamic theory of the self-assembly of quantum dots, New Journal of Physics 10, 043007 (2008).

[21]X. L. Li, G. Ouyang and G. W. Yang, Surface Alloying at the Nanoscale: Mo on Au Nanocrystalline Films, Nanotechnology 19, 505303 (2008).

[22]X. L. Li, G. Ouyang and G. W. Yang, Thermodynamic model of metal-induced self-assembly of Ge quantum dots on Si substrates, European Physical Journal B 62, 295 (2008).

[23]X. L. Li, G. Ouyang and G. W. Yang, Thermodynamic theory of nucleation and shape transition of strained quantum dots,Physical Review B 75, 245428 (2007).

[24]Y. Y. Cao, X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Physical mechanism of quantum dot to quantum ring transformation upon capping process, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 083542 (2011).

[25]Y. Y. Cao, X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Wetting layer evolution upon quantum dots self-assembly, Applied Physics Letters 95, 231902 (2009).

[26]G. Ouyang, X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Superheating and melting of nanocavities, Applied Physics Letters 92, 051902 (2008).

[27]X. Tan, X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Theoretical strategy for self-assembly of quantum rings, Physical Review B 77, 245322 (2008).

[28]G. Ouyang, X. L. Li, X. Tan and G. W. Yang, Surface free energy of nanowires, Nanotechnology 19, 045709 (2008).

[29]G. Ouyang, X. L. Li and G. W. Yang, Sink-effect of nanocavities: Thermodynamics and kinetic approach, Applied Physics Letters 91, 051901 (2007).

[30]G. Ouyang, X. L. Li, X. Tan and G. W. Yang, Anomalous Young’s modulus of a nanotube, Physical Review B 76, 193406 (2007).

[31]G. Ouyang, X. L. Li, X. Tan and G. W. Yang, Size-induced strain and stiffness of nanocrystals, Applied Physics Letters 89, 031904 (2006).


[1] X. L. Li and G. W. Yang. Thermodynamic theory of quantum dots self-assembly, Handbook of Nanophysics, edited by K. D. Sattler (one chapter). Taylor & Francis Publisher 2010 .4 


[1] 图案衬底上量子点和液滴外延下量子环生长机制理论研究. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(No.11104084), 2012.01-2014.12. 李心磊 

[2] 半导体量子点和量子环生长物理机制的热动力学理论研究. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动基金(No.S2011040003245), 2011.10-2013.10. 李心磊   

[3] 多层堆垛量子点结构自组装生长的理论研究. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类(No.20104407120010), 2011.01-2013.12. 李心磊